Script to help cleanup the non existing permissions from your roles
web]$ ../vendor/drush/drush/drush php-script ../drush-scripts/clean_permissions.php
A backup script for Drupal
A small script to backup Drupal sites.
Drupal 10 Site Building Notes
It's almost Theme Time, but before we begin with the fun stuff, there are a few server items that need to be set up. Outbound email is the hardest piece, so we're going to get help from AI and we'll put the notes here to share.
DrupalCon Portland 2024
Multi Domain technical Notes
Drupal ECA sets content context path based on the "Affiliated Site" assigned. An Article would receive one of three paths applied in our example: -> /spines -> /design -> /camp
Drupal 10 File Settings
1) File Naming Paths / File Tokens
2.)Temporary Files
Some notes on setting up Drupal File systems.
See: Better file management for Drupal 8 and Drupal 9: Part 1
File Naming Paths:
Setting the Default Value for field_ assigned_ user_email
Problem Statement
We needed to set a default value for the field_assigned_user_email field on the node_reservation_request_form. The challenge was to locate the correct array path to this field within the form structure, as it was not immediately apparent where the field was nested.
Stable Match Drupal Camp Youtube Video
Pinning this video as an interesting review of running "Stable Match" using Drupal 7.
It looks like the used Rules to help process their Match.
Affiliated Theme Templates
Twig templates, based on a Domain suggestion, are baked into our Radix House theme.
These template "suggestions" are the glue which provide affiliated sites their custom landing experience. All affiliated sites share a common front page URL. Views and Content Blocks are customized for each site by filtering on either Domain, Term or Context.