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Mobile First Design

Target website structure and design for phones, from the start. Other elements like Search and Accessibility will then fall into place. 


RSVP Wireframe Mobile
RSVP Wireframe Desktop

Phones are the way most human visitors will see your website.

Access Planning:

  • SEO Search Engine and AI robot scripts
  • Adaptive User Technology, screen readers
  • Mobile Phones <-- AIM HERE
  • Desktop/Tablets
  • API Endpoint, IOT & other applications


  • Start with the mobile menu structure and work outwards.
  • Menu items should be descriptive yet short, not boring.
  • No more than six items. Keep the site menu short.
  • Use the Footer area for less important "requirement" links and legal information.

"Policy links may be needed, but they're boring content and not part of our story."

Example A:
Google search results show a well-planned site structure.

Menu Design Example

Create descriptive text for key site sections. Carefully review and plan for a descriptive "Site Opener" message to convey an overall purpose for being.  This is very helpful for SEO.

Each site section on the menu should have a descriptive text opener.

Example B:
A short "opener" message for a site section.

Descriptive Text Opener

Example C:
Search Results show a "Site Opener" message.

SEO Site Index Example
Light, Bright & Open