// Get it done
Affiliated Site: (A/K/A Department)
This special "filter" field helps to categorize, sort, and filter the display of site content.
FIX Theme Item:
<!-- Front page: Light logo initially -->
// ensure this file is present; error on bad path
<img src="themes/custom/radix_house_theme/images/light-logo.png" alt=" logo" id="default-logo" class="logo-image">
Protip: The site logo and inversion display flip is getting pulled from this Twig Template:
// hacked fix, hard coding the theme path, {{ base_path ~ directory }}
Setup Notes:
Modify the front page twig to set additional site values.
This description is set in the default hero area of the page template.
<!-- Fallback image -->
<img src="/themes/custom/radix_house_theme/images/fallback-image-1024x681.jpg" class="bg-img" alt="Your description here"></picture>