Mobile First Design
Target a structure and design for phones from the beginning.
Target a structure and design for phones from the beginning.
An example showing how to filter a Drupal Views based on a "Community" taxonomy. A parameter pattern in the URL provides the content display filter. We use the "Short Name" value from our Community Taxonomy to filter page views.
... with Drupal Search API
1.) Affiliated site sections return trimmed results, based on content taxonomy terms.
2.) Date time range search for calendar tools, like reservation conflict validation.
See this Git project for further references on Pantheon specifics.
Search result content bleed example 1:
These are a few notes regarding file permissions on Linux platforms.
A good thread on Drupal file and directory settings is here,
Paths to private files in Drupal 9.
Installed to Ubuntu VM using composer create-project drupal/cms
Went live from the get-go, did not use ddev.
Two domains, a single site with affiliation separation:,
1.) Installation Output
2.) Composer Details
Here are a few shots showing a Feeds Import of CSV date data. We used the Phases of the Moon as an example. (These are planned camping dates for 2025)
The RSVP System Composer Example Repository includes recipes for mapping addresses, specifically addresses used in the RSVP System Taxonomy Recipe. The RSVP System Department Taxonomy holds an address field. This field is usable with Google Maps and Drupal Blocks.
These are the packages that we're using:
"drupal/feeds": "3.x-dev@dev",
"drupal/feeds_tamper": "^2.0@beta"
We've set up a small sandbox to test the "RSVP System" recipes with a Pantheon-hosted Drupal site. There are a few extra steps needed for Pantheon environments. Switching the site hosting between SFTP and Git modes, applying the recipes through a "Terminus" wrapper command. It can get tricky.
After baking an HTML Picture tag into our front theme template, we realized a better path would be to build out a custom "BlockType". Using a block type lets us add big spash screens to any section of the site. Each department or site-section can have it's own "Splash Block", with file variation tailored to portrait mobile, with a massive landscape desktop option for those on a big monitor.