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Department Migration & Miscellaneous Drupal Notes

Facet Selection: (Poor Man's Facets)


The Drupal Context module helps set

Content: Title

Content: Website

Content: Phone

Content: Email

Content: Include in Business Directory

Content: Business Type

Content: Business Type

Content: Body

Content: Path

Global: PHP

"Community Registry" and use the machine name comm_registry.

To register for a listing account, drop a form in the mail or Register with a Google account.

"One-Click List-Unsubscribe" feature (RFC 8058)

Using Drupal 10, creating a Webform to collect community registry entries and then feeding these entries into a Content Type after approval and moderation by site editors is a great approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can achieve this:

Content Type

"Community Registry" and use the machine name comm_registry.

  • Title / Local Businesses and Organizations
  • Description
  • Contact Information
  • Address
  • Website


Fields for the Webform:

Text fields for Title, Contact Information, Address, and Website.
Textarea for Description.

Configure Webform to Create Content

  1. Set Up Webform Submission Handling:
    • Go to the Webform settings for your "Community Registry Submission" form.
    • Under Settings, go to Handlers.
    • Add a Webform to Content handler.
    • Configure the handler to map the Webform fields to the corresponding fields in the "Community Registry" content type.
  2. Moderation and Approval:
    • Ensure that the "Community Registry" content type uses a workflow that includes states like "Draft" and "Published".
    • Configure permissions so that submissions are initially saved as "Draft" and only Site Editors can publish them.

Step 4: Set Up Workflow and Permissions

  1. Configure Workflow:
    • Navigate to Structure > Workflows.
    • Edit the existing workflow or create a new one.
    • Add states such as "Draft", "Needs Review", and "Published".
    • Set transitions to allow editors to move content between these states.
  2. Set Permissions:
    • Navigate to People > Permissions.
    • Ensure that authenticated users can create content but only editors can publish it.

Step 5: Test the Submission and Approval Process

  1. Test Webform Submission:
    • Submit a few test entries using the Webform to ensure that they are being saved as content items in the "Draft" state.
  2. Review and Approve Entries:
    • Log in as a Site Editor and review the submitted entries.
    • Approve and publish the entries to see them on the site.

By following these steps, you can create a streamlined process for collecting, reviewing, and publishing community registry entries through a Webform in Drupal 10. This ensures that all entries are moderated and approved before being displayed on the site.