This document details the setup and configuration of a Solr search server (in SolrCloud mode) used for Drupal 10’s Search API integration. It covers installation prerequisites, Solr and ZooKeeper configuration, Apache reverse proxy setup with Basic Authentication, and Drupal-specific settings.
When securing access to Solr, there are two primary approaches. One option is to use a reverse proxy (such as Apache or Nginx) to enforce HTTP Basic Authentication, which provides a robust barrier against unauthorized access without requiring modifications to Solr itself. In this scenario, the native Solr security configuration (via a security.json file) may not be necessary, as the proxy handles all authentication and access control. Alternatively, you can configure Solr's built-in security directly through the security.json file, ensuring that every access attempt is authenticated—even if Solr is reached directly. The choice depends on your network architecture and security needs: if Solr is only accessible through a properly secured proxy, you might opt for the simpler proxy-based method; if additional layers of security are desired, especially in environments where direct access is possible, enabling Solr's native security is recommended.
It's possible to launch both Solr and ZooKeeper as the "solr" user, especially in a testing or proof-of-concept environment. However, in production environments it’s generally best practice to run ZooKeeper as a separate system service (often under its own dedicated user) and then start Solr (as the "solr" user) configured to connect to that ZooKeeper service. Running them separately improves resource isolation, security, and manageability—ensuring that ZooKeeper remains available independently of Solr’s lifecycle.
1. Overview
Provide search indexing for Drupal 10 content using Apache Solr in Cloud mode.
- Apache Solr (v8.11.4)
- Apache ZooKeeper (v3.8.4)
- Java (installed system-wide)
- Drupal 10 with Search API module (contributed)
- Apache HTTP Server (reverse proxy with Basic Auth)
Key Challenges Addressed:
- Running Solr in Cloud mode
- Configuring Apache reverse proxy to expose the admin panel
- Securing Solr with Basic Authentication
- Loading and applying custom Drupal search configurations to Solr
2. Prerequisites
Operating System:
A Linux distribution with appropriate package management.
Installed Software:
- Java (JDK/JRE)
- Apache Solr (installed under
) - Apache ZooKeeper (installed under
> sudo useradd -r -s /bin/false zookeeper
> sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/zookeeper.service
Description=Apache ZooKeeper Server
ExecStart=/opt/zookeeper/bin/ start-foreground
ExecStop=/opt/zookeeper/bin/ stop
> sudo -u solr /opt/zookeeper/bin/ start
> sudo -u solr /opt/zookeeper/bin/ status
> sudo -u solr /opt/zookeeper/bin/ -server
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable zookeeper
sudo systemctl start zookeeper
sudo systemctl status zookeeper
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/zookeeper/data
sudo chown -R zookeeper:zookeeper /var/lib/zookeeper
sudo -u solr bin/solr create -c drupal_search -n drupal_search
User Setup:
- Dedicated users (e.g.,
) with the required permissions.
Directory Structure Overview:
├── solr -> /opt/solr-8.11.4/
└── zookeeper -> /opt/apache-zookeeper-3.8.4-bin
3. Solr Cloud Mode Configuration
3.1. Uploading Custom Configurations to ZooKeeper
Remove existing configuration (if needed):
sudo -u solr bin/solr zk rm -r /configs/drupal_search -z localhost:2181
Upload custom Drupal Solr configuration:
sudo -u solr bin/solr zk upconfig -z localhost:2181 -d /tmp/drupal_solr_config -n drupal_search
Verify available configurations:
sudo -u solr bin/solr zk ls /configs -z localhost:2181
(Optional) Upload configuration for _default if needed:
sudo -u solr bin/solr zk upconfig -z localhost:2181 -d /tmp/drupal_solr_config -n _default
3.2. Managing the Solr Cloud Instance
Check Solr status:
sudo -u solr bin/solr status
Restart Solr in Cloud mode:
sudo -u solr bin/solr restart -c
4. Apache Reverse Proxy Configuration
4.1. Apache Virtual Host Setup
Example Virtual Host configuration snippet:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /solr http://localhost:8983/solr
ProxyPassReverse /solr http://localhost:8983/solr
# Optional: Force HTTPS if required
# RewriteEngine On
# RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
# RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
<Location /solr>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Solr Admin Access"
AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd_solr
Require valid-user
</Location> </VirtualHost>
4.2. Securing with Basic Authentication
- Steps:
- Create or update the
file (using Apache’shtpasswd
tool). - Verify permissions so Apache can read the file.
- Reload/restart Apache to apply the changes.
5. Drupal Configuration
5.1. Search API Module Settings
Endpoint Configuration:
In Drupal’s Search API configuration, set the Solr endpoint URL to match the reverse proxy (e.g.,
If your reverse proxy enforces Basic Auth, include the credentials in the Drupal connector settings.
5.2. Custom Schema & Configuration
Custom Drupal Configurations:
Ensure that your custom configuration (uploaded via ZooKeeper) is compatible with Drupal’s search schema.
Troubleshooting Connection Issues:
- Verify that the correct configuration name (e.g.,
) is referenced. - Check network connectivity from the Drupal host to the Solr endpoint.
- Consult Solr and Apache logs for authentication or proxy errors.
6. Troubleshooting & Verification
6.1. Solr Verification
Commands to check Solr Cloud:
sudo -u solr bin/solr status sudo -u solr bin/solr zk ls /configs -z localhost:2181
Review Solr Logs:
Located typically in the /opt/solr-8.11.4/server/logs
6.2. Apache Reverse Proxy Logs
- Location:
Usually found in/var/log/apache2/
(or the location defined in your Apache configuration).
6.3. Drupal Connectivity
Drupal Log Messages:
Check Recent log messages under Reports > Recent log messages in the Drupal admin interface.
Module Debugging:
Enable error logging for the Search API module if needed.
7. Additional Configuration Files & Details
Solr Configuration Files:
or managed-schema (depending on your setup)- Config files under
(the directory you uploaded)
ZooKeeper Configuration Files:
- Environment settings for the solr user
Apache Configuration Files:
- Virtual Host files (e.g.,
) - Authentication files (e.g.,
8. Summary & Best Practices
Deployment Best Practices:
- Test configuration changes in a staging environment before production.
- Regularly back up configuration files and ZooKeeper data.
- Monitor Solr, ZooKeeper, and Apache logs for early error detection.
Documentation Updates:
Keep this document updated with any changes to the configurations or versions used.
References & Further Reading:
9. Appendix
Command Summary:
A quick reference for the commands used:
# Remove previous config from ZooKeeper
sudo -u solr bin/solr zk rm -r /configs/drupal_search -z localhost:2181
# create a new collection
sudo -u solr bin/solr create -c drupal_search -n drupal_search
# Upload new custom configuration
sudo -u solr bin/solr zk upconfig -z localhost:2181 -d /tmp/drupal_solr_config -n drupal_search
# Verify configs
sudo -u solr bin/solr zk ls /configs -z localhost:2181
# Optionally update default config
sudo -u solr bin/solr zk upconfig -z localhost:2181 -d /tmp/drupal_solr_config -n _default # Check Solr status sudo -u solr bin/solr status # Restart Solr in cloud mode sudo -u solr bin/solr restart -c
Directory Structure Reminder:
ls -la /opt/
solr -> /opt/solr-8.11.4/
zookeeper -> /opt/apache-zookeeper-3.8.4-bin